The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4732   Message #26466
Posted By: Frank in the swamps
24-Apr-98 - 05:06 PM
Thread Name: Objectionable Material
Subject: RE: Objectionable Material
Remember when some rapper called "Ice T" or "Ice Cube", I don't remember which, did a song called "Cop killer" a while back? All the pol's got bent out of shape and actually got the record co. to cut the song from the album. I borrowed the cassette off of a buddy and listened, it was a GOOD song. Not really my bag, but a groovin' bit of heavy metal type rant. What really pissed me off was all the posing by public figures (I won't mislabel them "leaders") about encouraging violence among youth. A three minute pop song will make 'em go postal, but prime time television and cinema violence is ok? I guess you can't get much campaign advertising on cd's. Now that's objectionable.
