The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121258   Message #2647759
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
03-Jun-09 - 07:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Midsummer De-Clutterbugs are here! 2009
Subject: RE: BS: Midsummer De-Clutterbugs are here! 2009
I really like Photobucket. I have several accounts over there to sort out the photos I post for different reasons.

WELL IT IS OFFICIAL. The house is a gawdawful mess. I think being at the end of the school year has something to do with it. Tomorrow is the last day. My semester already ended, but until the Boy is out of school, we are in chaos.

I think I'll take Friday off to work around here. We've had really heavy thunderstorms the last 24 hours, and maybe by Friday I can get out and do some work without sinking in the mud around the garden or into soft turf. And in the meantime, I'll alternately list stuff on eBay and work around the house.