The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121294   Message #2648163
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
04-Jun-09 - 09:57 AM
Thread Name: An Oysterband Survey
Subject: RE: An Oysterband Survey
In around 1989 or so we had the Oysters - as a ceilidh band - on at Swinton Festival and until then I had not realised that they were the (in?)famous Fiddlers Dram minus Cathy LeSurf! Oddly enough I may be one of the few people who will admit to enjoying Day Trip to Bangor:-) I have enjoyed them ever since and I went to the Big Session last year (2008) but couldn't make it this year:-( And my niece is at DeMontfort uni in Leicester so I could have bunked down close by! Missed my usual annual Steeleye Span or Carnival Band concert before Christmas as well. Ah well, c'est la vie as they say in Scunthorpe. Memo to self - Give up shifts that clash with concerts...

:D (eG)