The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121258   Message #2648599
Posted By: wysiwyg
04-Jun-09 - 06:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Midsummer De-Clutterbugs are here! 2009
Subject: RE: BS: Midsummer De-Clutterbugs are here! 2009
We just cluttered up our workout room with a lovely weight-lifting-bar rack (safety and storage--just for Hardi for now, to go with his bench) and a triceps lifting bar for me. My program shifts now to weights as we take up the summer aerobic activities outside-- yay, things we can do together; I love it when our programs "intersect" like that as they do, these days, more and more.

Faulkner is quite amused at the grunting that goes with weights BTW, and can't decide: "Does my man need a face lick when he does that.... or.... maybe not?" :~)
