The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121357   Message #2649338
Posted By: Anne Lister
05-Jun-09 - 04:10 PM
Thread Name: Assuming my real name!
Subject: RE: Assuming my real name!
It's fascinating to see what's happening with this thread, which I had thought would be a simple, personal announcement.

Yes, all kinds of people read this forum, many of whom may not be members, and some of whom by the law of averages may be loopy, but in my case if anyone wants to find me, or more about Anne Lister, it's always been simple enough to google my name and as long as you avoid the 18th century lesbian you'll probably find me.

Everyone is, as always, free to make their own choice about whether or not to have a pseudonym. I think handles add a certain colour and I tend to agree that they're more memorable than real names, but I suppose like Tom I tend to think that if someone has a degree of "profile" either from performing professionally, writing or organising stuff then it's helpful to know who is behind the moniker. Which is why I nearly always signed my name to posts even while I was officially Tabster. (Where I didn't was generally when I was in a rush and forgot). I for one had no idea that Ruth Archer and Joan Crump were one and the same person - did it matter? Probably not, but I suppose if you have a group of people who do know and a group who don't then it generates a certain clique-y mentality.

Anyway, all of this burbling was meant to lead into the simple statement that my choice of action wasn't meant to determine anyone else's.

And the fascinating posts from some of you (thank you, Azizi!) leads me into my perennial quest for my "true" name (as opposed to "real" name).   I have a family nickname which is one of my identities (and no, I'm not posting that here) and I also have a married name for all official documents which means my poor middle-aged brain has to remember which name I've used for booking hotel rooms etc. My full name includes a first given name which I hardly ever use, but it means that I could operate under a given name and surname which would be unfamiliar to most of you. I've been tempted to write reviews under this name and see how long before I was rumbled! And then there are the various forums on which I have adopted a handle ... for Archers fans, for example, on the R4 message boards you'll find me as Friendly Local Dragon. When I'm teaching some places know me as Anne, some more formally under my married name but if they see my albums they'll know me as Anne Lister as well ...but maybe my "true" name is none of these!

I'll stop burbling now.