The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121411   Message #2650532
Posted By: wilbyhillbilly
07-Jun-09 - 09:51 AM
Thread Name: Hoots mon
Subject: RE: Hoots mon
Lord Rockingham's XI were a group of musicians put together to play as the heavily sax laden resident band on 'Oh Boy!'. Jack Good had created this TV rock and roll show shortly after being dismissed by the BBC. Although Good had produced the very successful 'Six-5 Special' for the Beeb, he was deemed to be too reckless for Auntie and given his marching orders. Unfortunately for the BBC he was not unemployed for long and ITV were then able to host one of the UK's definitive TV popular music programmes.

Lord Rockingham's XI actually had 13 musicians in all if you included bandleader Harry Robinson and lady organist Cherry Wainer. Well known jazz 'buff' Benny Green played alto saxophone with the band, but was so embarrassed by it that he often played in sunglasses to hide the fact. Although most people identified scotsman Harry Robinson as Lord Rockingham, this wasn't the case according to Jack Good. After achieving fame with their single 'Hoots Mon' and wanting to go 'on the road', there was considerable argument about who had rights to the name Lord Rockingham, and lawyers had to be brought in to settle the dispute! Although Good had created the name as a play on words 'rocking 'em', there really had been a real Lord Rockingham in times past.

Just Google Cherry Wainer for loads more info, orYouTube to see her in action, brilliant