The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102165   Message #2650673
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
07-Jun-09 - 02:16 PM
Thread Name: Origin: John Cherokee
Subject: RE: John Cherokee
Mention of 'Miramashee' is reminiscent of "Donkey Riding," an unrelated Canadian song perhaps derived from a Channel Islands song ("Sus Man J'valet"), and with a very old melody; similar songs ("Hieland Laddie") known in UK and Ireland. Hugill printed several.

'Miramashee' has a good sound to it; I wonder if it got to Mobile and the Caribbean with the Liverpool sailors who specialized in screwing cotton? [Better pay]
Here are two verses and the chorus of one version of "Donkey Riding," with mention of Miramashee:

Was you ever in Mobile Bay
Screwing the cotton all the day
A dollar a day is Paddy's pay
Riding on a donkey.

Wey, hey, and away we go
Donkey riding, donkey riding
Wey, hey, and away we go
Riding on a donkey.

Were you ever in Miramashee
Where you tie up to a tree
And the girls sit on your knee
Riding on a donkey.

41062: Donkey Riding

JWB (post above) ties "John Cherokee" to the Miramichi area, but this is doubtful (The name Miramichi exists in Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and latterly Yukon, applied to a river, townsites, bay, etc.).