The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118665   Message #2651022
Posted By: Janie
07-Jun-09 - 11:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gardening, 2009
Subject: RE: BS: Gardening, 2009
The rear property line is overgrown with things like privet, tree saplings, honeysuckle, english Ivy, Ligustrum, etc. Way back in the thick of the thicket, so to speak, was what I think of as a garden midden, where old water hoses, wire edging, discarded hanging pots, etc, had been tossed. Got out there today and started clearing, and think I have cleaned out the midden. Still a lot of work to be done, but it definitely opens up things a bit back there. Also washed, rinsed and organized a pile of garden related stuff of my own that had been piled out there since I moved. It is coming up on a year, and I am still moving in.

Discovered the big oak that is right at the rear corner appears to be at least partly hollow, and has yellow jackets living in the base.   Most of that oak is on my rear neighbor's property, but the trunk does straddle the line slightly over onto my side.   There is also a power line that runs the length of the rear that feeds power to my side neighbor's house. I'm wondering if the power company has a right-of-way through there. If so, they might be responsible for taking down that tree. Gonna talk to the rear neighbor, hopefully tomorrow to see how she would feel about the tree coming down as it is a significant hazard to my house, which is sited in that rear corner of the property. My bedroom is less than 20' from that tree.

Other than damage from slugs and earwigs, everything is looking pretty good. We have had more rain this spring than we have had in a long time. It is good to see the natural world thriving with enough moisture.