The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41062   Message #2651100
Posted By: GUEST,Jim P
08-Jun-09 - 04:02 AM
Thread Name: Donkey Riding - What's Hong-ki-kong?
Subject: RE: Donkey Riding - What's Hong-ki-kong?
Clearly, Heiland Laddie and Donkey Riding share a tune as well as lyrics, but Heiland Laddie dates back to at least Burns (as "I Hae Been to Crookieden"). Since learning this is a "two-fer," I perform Heiland Laddie as below, and "Donkey Riding" in the usual three-line form. I first encountered the Jacobin (non-shanty) version from a track on the Tannahill Weavers' "Mermaid's Song." From their website:

"All versions of this song that we are aware of have only two verses. We have taken the liberty of putting two versions together. We have completed this musical "club sandwich" by adding a pipe tune at either end of the song. Greenwood Side is of the traditional variety and Pattie is yet another super composition from Neil Dickie.


Where have you been all the day, bonnie laddie, highland laddie
Saw ye him that's far away, bonnie laddie, highland laddie
On his head a bonnet blue, bonnie laddie, highland laddie
Tartan plaid and highland trews, bonnie highland laddie

I ha'e been at Crookieden, bonnie laddie, highland laddie
Watching Wullie and his men, bonnie laddie, highland laddie
There our foes that burnt and slew, bonnie laddie, highland laddie
There at last they got their due, bonnie highland laddie

Satan sits in yon black neuk, bonnie laddie, highland laddie
Breaking sticks tae roast the duke, bonnie laddie, highland laddie
The bluidie monster gied a yell, bonnie laddie, highland laddie
Loud the lach gaed roon' a' Hell, bonnie highland laddie

Geordie sits in Cherlie's chair, bonnie laddie, highland laddie
Had I my wish he'd no' sit there, bonnie laddie, highland laddie
Ne'er reflect on sorrows past, bonnie laddie, haghland laddie
Cherlie will be king at last, bonnie highland laddie"