The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121438   Message #2651311
Posted By: Will Fly
08-Jun-09 - 10:32 AM
Thread Name: Beware the Fylde Coast's Sands
Subject: RE: Beware the Fylde Coast's Sands
Just got back yesterday from visiting my sister in Lancaster

Which part does she live in? I used to live in Scotforth when we loved there in 1957, and my youngr sister still lives on the outskirts. It was a really nice place to be in those days (left in'68), but the local council buggered about with the place in the '60s - knocked down an 18thc. Wesleyan chapel and Georgian almshouses - all for an Arndale Centre...

My parents lived up at Hest Bank for years - rough old sands to walk on for the unwary. Ever done the Bay walk?