The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121408   Message #2651743
Posted By: Don Firth
08-Jun-09 - 07:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: I am the BNP candidate in Chippenham
Subject: RE: BS: I am the BNP candidate in Chippenham
I have absolutely no problem with freedom of speech. Indeed, I am all for it. Save for limitations on things as yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theater. And I favor being able to take someone to court in the case of libel or slander (remembering, of course, that if what the defendant has written or said is the truth, that is not libel or slander). Other than that, I'd say people should be free to say whatever they wish, no matter how brilliant or nincompoopish, and express whatever opinions they wish. I reserve that right for myself as well, of course.

And that latter includes my right to disagree with someone else's opinion and say so, first as reasonably as I can, and if that fails to get through to the person, as vigorously as I feel the situation warrants. Up to and including pointing out to that person that they are advocating the ideas of a fascist or a bigot, if that is indeed what they are advocating.

I feel that as a person of good conscience, when I hear people expressing ideas of that nature, I am morally obligated to speak out in opposition.

Some people object to this and, instead, advocate pussy-footing around and being wimpishly polite to someone who is acting like a boor and a bully and who has no intention of engaging in rational discussion, and try to get everyone, including the boor-bully, to hold hands, sway back and forth, and sing "Kumbaya."

Can you imagine trying that with Hitler, Mussolini, or David Duke—or, for that matter, Nick Griffin—and having them go all gooey?

I don't think so.

Don Firth