The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121442   Message #2652202
Posted By: catspaw49
09-Jun-09 - 10:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Happy Actual Birthday, Spaw!!!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Actual Birthday, Spaw!!!!!
I want to thank you all of you for these, uh.............hmmm......let's just call them birthday messages. And on not one but TWO threads!!! You make me feel, uh........yeah............once again words escape me............lessee here.........they make me feel....................hmm.......................well, I think somewhere between nauseous and loved but more like you might feel after a night of wild sex with an aardvark but somewhat less than after pulling a Carradine.......

Anyway............Many thanks. Karen made me a strawberry pie that was simply beyond belief.....totally from scratch with ground pecans in the crust. The filling was heavy cream whipped with cream cheese.....fantastic.

I recall that Bill D. quit counting years when he turned 60 and he seems to be doing well now at 70 so I think I'll take that as a good sign, do the same, and look forward to 70. Many thanks to one and all.
