The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2652510
Posted By: Don Firth
09-Jun-09 - 04:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Just one selected item out of a wide choice in that blob of blather you've just posted, GfS:

"Do we roam around sniffing to see who we can sleep with. . . ?"

Yes, GfS, as a matter of fact, that's one of the things that humans do do. Have you never heard of pheromones? Humans have them, too. There has been serious research done in this area in relation to sexual attraction. Very valuable to the perfume industry. Have you never heard of such things as scented after-shave lotions? Have you never heard of deodorants?

"Do we roam around sniffing to see who we can sleep with. . . ?"

Yes, normal, grown-up human beings do respond to smells.

For Chrissake, get a good book on sex and human reproduction and read it! I'm not talking about a "how to" book or "what every little boy and girl should know," I'm talking about—well, a good start would be something like Sex: A Natural History, by Joann Ellison Rodgers. And there are others.

For someone who claims to be a counselor, I am appalled at your abysmal ignorance!

And morals? What about the morality of poking your nose into other peoples' lives and trying to dictate how they should live, who they should mate with, and how they can and cannot go about it?

You're a bloody fine one to be trying to lecture other people about morals!

And you can deny it from now until Doomsday, but the issue of same-sex marriage IS a civil rights issue, and it will stay a civil rights issue, no matter how many temper tantrums you throw.

(Like my wise old uncle once said. . . .)

Don Firth