The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121446   Message #2653278
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
10-Jun-09 - 01:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Science and Religion
Subject: RE: BS: Science and Religion
hah, Now it is getting interesting. However:
at 3:19 am - LH: All those experiences generate feelings which are accompanied by measurable changes in one's physiology. They are, in fact, physical. So how can they not be "physical events"? As radio waves are also - that we feel them without recognizing it does not make them non-physical.
at 5:57 am - Slag: great ideas. What is the "you" who needs to be remembered? If I help one family raise one child better, that will continue to carry "me" into who knows how many generations of improved parenthood. Will the 10th generation remember "me". "I" do not give a flying fish cake.
at 10:12 am - Shimrod: I would not be surprised to learn there are people who do KNOW what will happen after death. Would we believe them? Who would believe whom? How would we know whom to believe? The one whom our own inner wisdom believes, if we listen to 10:53 am - Amos speaks my mind, precisely.
Noon - I tried to get folks to define religion days ago! They, apparently, have more fun waffling.
12:26 pm - LH: Just as "feelings are not unlike the wind... neither can be touched and with neither is it necessary". Nice lines and I hesitate to argue with genius but I strongly question these lines. I believe both can be touched and, with feelings at least, it is
necessary. Clearly, my concept of "touching" may differ but, then, many of my concepts differ! Ain't life fun!
(You all have probably moved on while I tried to catch up. Oh well.