The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121472   Message #2653283
Posted By: GUEST,lox
10-Jun-09 - 01:17 PM
Thread Name: Folk Against Fascism
Subject: RE: Folk Against Fascism
"The problem perhaps with such debates is what you could be debating isnt what they actually think nor stand for but a very much watered down (for public consumption) version of this, the holocaust denial, enforced sterilisation the more dangerous racist agenda will be kept underwraps."

I absolutely agree that this could happen ... if the anti fascist approach is to respond to the BNP's initiative.

On the other hand, if the Anti Fascist groups take the initiative and constantly ask these questions and demand evidence for the BNP's claims then that ensures that the right issues are kept in the spotlight.

The debate is not engaged in to be won in the eyes of its participants, but in the eyes of its observers.

Much as a prosecuting Lawyer does not argue to convince a defendant that he is wrong, but to convince a jury.

The Jury here is the public.

If the BNP are given opportunities over and over again to claim that anti fascists are undemocratic trouble makers it will seriously damage their campaign in the eyes of the majority of people watching from outside; the jury.

The anti fascist groups need to raise awareness of who the BNP really are and get the public interested.

Newspapers sell to the public, and they will print what they think will sell.

If the public are baying for answers at the BNP's heels the press will bay with them.

there is absolutely no room for 'passive' resistance. Resistance to the BNP must be proactive and pre-emptive.

It must also be effective - and shouting abuse or trying to ban them will not work, es[ecially now that they have equal political rights to all the other elected parties.

The effective response is to put them on the defensive.

Ask the difficult questions politely and clearly so they can be heard and understood with no ambiguity in a room full of hecklers.

Ask politely and clearly for evidence of their claims, stressing that without it you will be unable to verify them

Keep it simple, keep it calm and kick them off the moral highground.

Expose them for who they are.

learn their arguments - they all say the same thing - and you won't be rattled by their rhetoric.

Stick to the point - don't be distracted by attempts to change the subject.

Know where the exits are!!