The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121446   Message #2653290
Posted By: Little Hawk
10-Jun-09 - 01:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Science and Religion
Subject: RE: BS: Science and Religion
Yes, the non-physical and the various forms of energy can affect the physical in various ways. No doubt about it. And why wouldn't they? Everything is interconnected.

Does our civilization not define physical things as existing in 3 specific states? Solids, liquids, and gases? That's what they taught me when I was in science class back in high school.

Amos, my dachshund will indeed suffer a physical effect from the microwaves. That doesn't mean microwaves are themselves physical. They are a form of energy. A thought is also a form of energy. An emotion is a form of energy. If my dachshund experiences the emotion of excitement or irritation then his heartbeat will accelerate, his little furry head will get hot, his eyes will open wider, and he will salivate. He will also bark or growl. All this just on the basis of a shift in consciousness! That's why consciousness is king.

The study of spirituality, I think, is primarily the study of how to manage and govern one's own consciousness in such a way as to enhance the experience of life to the fullest. Consciousness is what it's all about. Consciousness is not a physical thing...but it profoundly affects the physical in both obvious and subtle ways. Consciousness decides...and the physical then responds.

If I were, for instance, to burst into your house and start throwing yellow paint all over your furnishings and would probably get red in the face and start yelling at me, and your whole body would tense up. I would have altered your consciousness, without any direct physical contact with you, and the conditions in your body would change dramatically. That's the power of consciousness.

If, however, you were already unconscious when I burst in, then your bodily state would not change one iota, no matter how much I trashed your house.

Consciousness is what makes life real to you, me, or anyone else.