The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121446   Message #2653697
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
10-Jun-09 - 11:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Science and Religion
Subject: RE: BS: Science and Religion
Slag, 10:42 What I was trying to convey was that, for the preservation of life and our species, the one who reaches beyond himself or herself, the one who effects others positively and promotes the good that we assert life is, they have truly lived and have a heart, which in this age, seems to be a little more rare than in the past.

I believe that this and LH's latter comment are more pessimistic than my take on the subject. I believe the world is getting smaller and people becoming more aware of this and of each other. Our young people - teens and 20s, at least - are connecting with people around the world (thanks to the wonders of science!) and learning more than any previous generation about their contemporaries and the way others think and view the world, hence will be more compassionate, knowledgeable and understanding of those differences which have separated people. My hope/dream - whatever anyone chooses to call it - is that this will bring about a more peaceful world. The young people will have the power before long and a very different, broader world view than ever was possible before this internet on which we have so much fun - and gain so much.