The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2653761
Posted By: akenaton
11-Jun-09 - 02:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Is that really all you can say about the issue?
These figures are a shattering blow to your liberal stance on Homosexuality/Aids and you prattle on about
"If this data were in any way relevant, there would be no straight people with AIDS"....Do you think you are debating with a fucking idiot?

This is a relatively new out break. Aids has been almost nonexistant in Cuba, due to the Cuban governments strict quarantine policy.
Now that "Liberalisation" has begun to take hold, we see a rise in aids cases, almost exclusively among there something you don't understand about that?

Every one on the planet knows that Aids can be transmitted by hetro-sex, but have you never asked yourself why it always starts in the homosexual community?
The homosexuals of Los Angeles have asked themselves that question and have come up with the answer that Aids is primarily a disease of homosexuality. These people don't care about your "Liberal right on" agenda, they want a full medical inquiry, they want to stop Aids dead......and to stop it killing their brothers.

"80% of all Cubans affected are homosexuals."

That ought to make you very happy, Ake. Let the buggers kill each other off!"

Don Firth you have gone to a new low.....keep it up and you may become a real "bottom feeder" like your ally Mr Peekstock....Ake