The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121446   Message #2653982
Posted By: wysiwyg
11-Jun-09 - 10:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Science and Religion
Subject: RE: BS: Science and Religion
Whether there is or is not any 'spirit' in the universe is not a direct CONCERN of Science.

At the moment, or necessarily so? Say more.....

Bill-- what is "Science"? The whole ultimate concept? The practitioners' collective work? The "results"? I know, I am asking a lot out of your old head, and a lot of thinkig and writing time-- no hurry-- it's such a GOD head-- say on. Submit it to some turning time and let me know what comes out. (A lot like my dish-washing time, I bet.)

Aaargh, I'm only asking BILL, but I know the rest of you will chime in too.... OK....
