The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2654044
Posted By: John P
11-Jun-09 - 12:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Akenaton, yes, in fact I do think I'm debating with a fucking idiot. Well, an idiot, at least. You get really pissed when I talk about whether or not you fuck, even though you seem to think it's OK to talk about what other people do in bed. Didn't your mother teach you the Golden Rule?

Idiocy #1: You seem to be saying that I don't want to find a cure for AIDS, and that allowing gay people to get married will slow down research on a cure. This is a lie, and you know it is. Saying things like that makes you an idiot, both from the standpoint of rational debate (unsupported, illogical statements) and from the standpoint of using slimy lies to attack people who don't agree with you (a place you go when you are challenged on your unsupported, illogical statements).

Idiocy #2: You are saying that the fact that AIDS has hit the gay community harder than others means that it's a gay disease. Any small, closed sexual community that gets a disease will see it spread throughout the community. The widespread incidence of AIDS started in the gay community. That's the only conclusion that be drawn when talking about a disease that affects people of all sexual orientations and genders. The male homosexual community is also made of men, who are by and large promiscuous, gay or not. Add to that the fact that young men are almost by definition stupid risk-takers, and you have a bad mix. Attributing any of this to homosexuality, however, is not supported by the evidence. If AIDS had hit the rampantly promiscuous college campus community first, would you call it a student disease?

Idiocy #3: You are saying that we shouldn't allow gay people to get married until we have done a complete study of AIDS. You are, without real reason, separating AIDS from all other diseases that we don't understand and that kill lots of people. You might as well say that we should deny civil rights to cancer victims, smokers, drinkers, and people who talk on the phone while driving.

Idiocy #4: You object strongly to being called a bigot while advocating denying rights to a group of people. We get to call racists bigots for the same reason. If you don't want to be lumped in with them, don't act like them.