The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121506   Message #2654127
Posted By: Barry Finn
11-Jun-09 - 01:23 PM
Thread Name: Hog-Eye Man
Subject: RE: Hog-Eye Man
Crow Sister

'The hog-eye man is the man for me, he is blind and he cannot see'

Try this
"The hog-eye man is the man for me, he's got one eye and he cannot see"

I used "big buck sailor" did the same with the start of "Haul Away for Rosie-O"

It's easy enough tho adapt the song to the crowd you're singing with.

At Mystic one year Shanty Jack sang the "Chinee Bumboatman". Extremely unPC, a hush followed Jack off stage, the MC, right after Jack finished, announced that "here at Mystic we may not do things correct but we do do them right". Loud applause followed.

Barry, who's off to Mystic for 4 days worth of proper shanties