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Thread #121446   Message #2654235
Posted By: Bill D
11-Jun-09 - 03:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Science and Religion
Subject: RE: BS: Science and Religion
"..., if you are trying to achieve some scientific approach to the study of viewpoint...etc.."

But that is the point...I'm not. I'm not remotely suggesting that those anecdotes and narratives can be subject to anything except, perhaps, statistics. They are highly personal, subjective and often dependent on the vocabulary of the person reporting them.

As with religion, I make no attempt to deny or DISprove them.... I just know that within realms where 'science' can operate, there are physical phenomena which seem to approximate such experiences. This is what tells me that there might BE alternatives....and my inclination is to bring in old Willie-O (Occam) to adjudicate the possibilites. Others stand firmly on "I felt it/saw it/remember it, and you'll never convince me it isn't real." Fine...nothing I can say to them, any more than I can say the little girls at Lourdes didn't see what THEY claimed.
Science is in the business...mostly.. of studying what everyone can see...stuff that can be replicated and measured. I say 'mostly', because it IS smart to keep an eye out for ways to see, test or measure stuff they hadn't before.

(Every now & then I note that I LIKE the idea of stuff like psychic phenomena being real... I have read Sci-Fi for years, and I'd hate buying into presumed wonderful experiences, only to have them prove fleeting and will-o-the-wisps. I will wait..)