The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36465   Message #2654324
Posted By: GUEST,Paul Reade
11-Jun-09 - 05:27 PM
Thread Name: manchester sports guild folk club
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
Re September 08 "...someone who ran the Owdam Folk Club (Paul ????)!!! ... in the middle of nowhere." I think it might be me - I ran a club from 1967 or 68 until about 1973 at the Swan in Dobcross, otherwise known as the "Top House" and we had some great nights there. There was a bar in the room but Jim the barman - definitely a different generation to us (probably in his 60s), wouldn't serve you if there was a singer on who he wanted to hear. Jim's comment after Martin Carthy's gig was "Ee, he were a reet good turn!". We later had to move to the Hanging Gate in Diggle (even more i the middle of nowhere) as the floor at Dobcross was found to be in imminent danger of collapse.