The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121472   Message #2656031
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
14-Jun-09 - 07:40 AM
Thread Name: Folk Against Fascism
Subject: RE: Folk Against Fascism
"You say that the "Racist label gets thrown at innocent people" for liking cricket and roast beff. Well, that's not true..."

Wanna bet?

"The racist label gets thrown at the guilty people who blame or hate non-white or immigrant communities for irrational reasons."

No, the 'racist' label gets thrown around very liberally, by those who are some of the most excluding people I've ever come across, who seek to damage and destroy the reputations of those they wish to be rid of. Sadly for them, it doesn't always work.

"In fact your post reads like BNP propaganda..."The lefties want to lynch you for drinking warm beer" sort of twaddle."

'The Lefties' , the Extreme Lefties, like any 'Extreme' have a great deal to be ashamed of. They are all the same, no matter what side of the fence they are on. "Do things OUR way, or we will make you life absolute hell!"

I have NEVER done anything any way other than my own..and never will do.

The folk world has an element within it who actually feed the BNP, imo, perhaps without realising they're doing it, because they almost demand PURITY.

Purity of song
Purity of accent
Purity of music

ALL *must* be English, in the *right* way

It's a load of crap, along with this English 'class' thing, which again is used to abuse and isolate by those with other agendas.

We are all simply......people.

I don't give a monkey's if someone's singing an English folk song in their own accent, there is no ONE accent.

There is, however, only ONE race, and that is the Human Race.

So take you 'BNP propaganda' and place it wherever you so choose, but don't come shoving it at my door, because I've been there, done that, and I'm wearing the T Shirt with 'Fook Off!' on it.
