The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121472   Message #2656446
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
14-Jun-09 - 07:08 PM
Thread Name: Folk Against Fascism
Subject: RE: Folk Against Fascism
"Lizzie, another tenet that sees me well through life is "Never argue with a fool...other people eventually will have difficulty seeing which one is the fool."


"If you think that there are people who see roast beef and cricket as "racist" then you need to put down the Daily Mail and find a less harmful comic to read."

I was told that to love the sight of cricket being played on village greens was to dream of an English idyll that no longer exists and therefore, it showed that I was racist. What a complete load of poppycock.

There was an excellent piece in the Daily Mail the other day, about the BNP, saying what absolute scum they are. Strange, for such a 'racist' paper. Still, being told that did at least shut 'The Daily Mail Reader' guest poster, up in the BNP thread.

Folk Against Facism:

T Shirts
Baseball Hats
Things to stick on your guitar/mandolin/musical whatnot/morris dancer hat, clogs, bags, and/or various protruding body parts....
Posters (clever designs only)
Book marks
The dreaded Fridge Magnets
Cuddly toys, so the children get the message early on
Christmas cards
Birthday cards
Banners to put in/on your caravan/car/camel
With an English flag on and with flags from all around the world
CDs of anti-facist songs
Poetry books
Youtube videos
FAF at the RAH infinitum