The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121472   Message #2656677
Posted By: Fred McCormick
15-Jun-09 - 04:09 AM
Thread Name: Folk Against Fascism
Subject: RE: Folk Against Fascism

Sorry for the embarressment. Turns out Press Officer Phil Edwards' real name is Stuart Russell and his daughter is one Julie Russell. Again, I can't find her name on the membership list, but she is apparently a hobnobber with Jean Marie Le Pen.

BTW., the BNP seems to shed recalcitrant members faster than a fox sheds fleas. Where on earth do they all go?

I'm Phil Edwards!

No, really. That is actually my name. (I've even got a doctorate, although I hardly ever use the title.) Which made it particularly annoying for me when the BNP's former Press Officer decided to use that name as his pseudonym. (More here.)

Fortunately he was on the wrong side of the recent spat within the party, and is no longer Press Officer; he may not even be a member. Either way, he's not getting his name - or rather my name - in the papers any longer, and good riddance.