The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121472   Message #2656682
Posted By: Fred McCormick
15-Jun-09 - 04:22 AM
Thread Name: Folk Against Fascism
Subject: RE: Folk Against Fascism
Royston: "Fred some research please and stop making the BNP look more credible. Their press officer uses "Dr. Phil Edwards" as a pseudonym. His real name is Stuart Russell and he runs a company that makes fireworks"

Sorry if I wasn't up to speed with 'Phil Edwards' identity. Watching the BNP is like watching a pile of woodlice. You see one, then you see more. Then there's a whole festering mess of them. And they all look the same.

"Hitler came to power by legal, democratic means."

Not strictly true. It's true the nazis came to power in 1933 as the largest party, but not with an overall majority. And Hitler was made chancellor because the powersthatbe thought that would bring him into line. It didn't. Moreover, the only time the nazis acheived an overall majority was after Hitler's chancellorship, and after the nazis had slung all of their opponents in jail.