The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121617   Message #2657423
Posted By: Barbara
16-Jun-09 - 01:22 AM
Thread Name: what do the KKK sing?
Subject: RE: what do the KKK sing?
I have, a couple times now when searching for a song written by a friend, come across a KKK song website. The friend's song was written in the 60's I think, he died a couple years back, and the song sort of made fun of liberal hippy mores somehow. I don't remember what at the moment. The friend's name was Merritt Herring, and I will warn you, the website didn't pass my malware settings, so if you are going to go looking make sure your virus protection is up to date.

I would imagine contemporary KKK songs would be like that -- mocking the things they don't believe in and praising the ones they do.

Just like the rest of us.
