The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121599   Message #2657450
Posted By: Peace
16-Jun-09 - 02:46 AM
Thread Name: YouTube removes videos - 'copyright issues'
Subject: RE: Youtube removes videos'copyright issues'
I have three songs on Youtube. I wrote 'em. I put them there (a good friend did with my permission). The videos--LOW budget--are also 'mine', bought and paid for. In this case there IS no copyright issue.

John Doe decides he likes a song and wants to re-do it. If he pays me the writer's share, John Doe and I have no issue. If he doesn't, then we do. And it's a legal issue.

As the publisher (gee, that sounds fancy) of the songs, I own 100% of the 'rights' to those songs. I did give a good friend the right to record and release a specific song with the caveat that if he made big bucks to send me some. I waived, in writing, any up-front fee from him. That's my right, also.

HOWEVER, had the song been the property of a real publishing house, then I have no right to waive ANY rights to do with the song. They 'belong' to the publisher.


AND, if any song of mine were to be used without my permission for Youtube, I'd be really pissed off, likely enough to seek legal advice (which I'd need because I'd be arrested for ripping the guy's throat out).

I write songs because I love writing songs, but I do NOT do it 'for free'. Ya like it enough to steal it, have the friggin' decency to pay the fee. (I have sent numerous CDs to people who couldn't really afford them. I have no problem with that. I have a serious problem if that person then duplicates a few for his friends. I ever find out that's happened and the legal authorities will be the least of that person's problems.)

I wish music COULD be free. I also like to eat. Capiche?