The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121599   Message #2657681
Posted By: JedMarum
16-Jun-09 - 09:47 AM
Thread Name: YouTube removes videos - 'copyright issues'
Subject: RE: Youtube removes videos'copyright issues'
As someone who makes a living at music performance and songwriting, I have a keen interest in the way Youtube and similar performance distribution services operate.

As a listener and viewer of such services I am very happy to find such a huge library of material at my fingertips.

As a "producer" of such material I am happy to have Youtube provide access of my music to the world at-large. It is very much like free advertising.

It seems to me that Youtube is very good neighbor in regard to following copyright and publishing law. They seem to take my intellectual property rights seriously and they seem to have policies in place that make it possible for me to correct any issues that I find.

The artist in me wants everyone to be able to hear my songs. The business man in me wants to be sure that I do not loose the right to sell those works. It seems that Youtube satisfies both.