The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121472   Message #2657740
Posted By: The Sandman
16-Jun-09 - 11:09 AM
Thread Name: Folk Against Fascism
Subject: RE: Folk Against Fascism
as matter of fact,I am in favour of encouraging all traditional contemporary folk music as well as English.
As the BNP hostilty seems primarily to be anti muslim,it would seem a good place to start,in an attempt to break down barriers,and build friendship.
yes, I know some Asian people are not muslim,but there has to be a starting point.
50 /50 booking policy,50 per cent english , 50 per cent muslim choice,if two parties are to integrate,it has to be[IMO] a two way equal process,so if a club books a guest artist,40 weeks of the year,20 English performers 20 asian performers.
However there is no reason,why a promoter should not apply,for grants and book Chinese and English performers,on a fifty/FIFTY per cent ratio.THE WHOLE OBJECT OF THE EXERCISE BEING EXPOSING TWO MUSIC CULTURES TO ONE ANOTHER.
I am not against money being given to clubs that book purely English traditional music,or purely Chinese traditional music.