The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121617   Message #2658844
Posted By: Jack Campin
17-Jun-09 - 04:40 PM
Thread Name: what do the KKK sing?
Subject: RE: what do the KKK sing?
fascist ideology doesn't have a strong appeal here.

It doesn't have a strong appeal here either, but enough to cause a fair bit of damage, as the Romanian population of Belfast have just found out.

That is not to say that there are not de facto facsists active in our social and political system, and certainly not to say that they are not an ongoing concern--but the right wing narrative here is focusses on individualism and tends to attack the authoritarianism of government--it's what we like to hear;-)

Religious veneration of the flag and "our troops" like that prevalent in the US has always been a central part of fascist culture, and that goes way further over there than it does in the UK (in fact the national flag is so little venerated in the UK that when the fascists display it they look just plain weird to most people). The sort of strategy a fascist songwriter might take would be to do songs in praise of the 9/11 firemen and gradually edge in more and more and more anti-Muslim, xenophobic content. (The fireman cult is a really easy one for them to exploit - do a google image search for "FDNY fireman" and see how many pages you have to scroll through before you see a black face).