The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121656   Message #2659105
Posted By: JohnInKansas
17-Jun-09 - 11:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Drying a Cell phone
Subject: RE: BS: Drying a Cell phone
You can get almost pure alcohol in the US, but mostly at liquor stores. It comes in a couple of "proofs" but I think the higher one that I've seen recently was 180 proof (90% alcohol by volume). "Everclear" is probably the most popular brand name in places where I've noticed it. I lost interest in it decades ago, and don't remember whether it was claimed to be methyl alcohol (methanol) or ethyl alcohol (ethanol).

Medical practice I believe uses both methyl and ethyl alcohol (methanol or ethanol) or sometimes a mix of the two.

For most home "medicinal" uses, the most commonly available stuff is called "rubbing alcohol" and is mainly propanol (propyl alcohol) which is, itself, toxic. Most drug stores / pharmacies have it in 60% and (at higher price) 90% versions here.

Some art shops and paint (house paint) outlets sometimes have "thinners" that may (or may not) be fairly pure somethin'-ol, but they're usually "denatured" by adding something really nasty to make them useless for anything fun.

Of course you can get almost anything in "pure form" for industrial or "real" medical uses, but you may find guys in black suits watching your door through dark glasses at midnight if you don't have an obvious "need" for "unusual" products.
