The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121502   Message #2659432
Posted By: Wolfgang
18-Jun-09 - 12:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Election in Iran
Subject: RE: BS: Election in Iran
Your Regime Is Finished (Afshin Ellian in an open letter to Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei)

...every response you have given in the face of non-violent protest has been one of more oppression and more violence. ...Iran's semi-official anti-Semitism and tyrannical rule towards its own people reveals the moral failure of the regime that you lead. Millions of people in Teheran and other Iranian cities have condemned this moral bankruptcy by demonstrating and by voting for Mir Hossein Mousavi. Your regime is finished. Surely you realize that too, Excellency? And if you have not realized it yet, then surely you, just like the Shah some 30 years ago, must have heard the hundreds of thousands in Teheran shouting "Allahu Akabar, down with the dictatorship!...The truth is that the people despise the ruling elite. Your puppet Ahmadinejad is reviled. If you continue to use violence against your people, then you have obviously learned nothing from the tragic fate of the last Shah of Persia.
