The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121446   Message #2659540
Posted By: Little Hawk
18-Jun-09 - 02:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Science and Religion
Subject: RE: BS: Science and Religion
When you have such an experience personally, it's validated. But only for you, not for a skeptic. When a child clearly remembers a whole bunch of stuff he or she can't possibly know about a prior life and other people hear that info from the child and check it out, and it turns out to be correct, it's validated. But not for a skeptic. When someone dies on the operating table, has a spiritual experience out of their body, then comes back to life and tells people in the operating chamber things that the person saw from spirit...and those things are accurate and's validated. But not for a skeptic.

A skeptic already BELIEVES things like that simply can't be true. A skeptic has ironclad faith that such things can't be true. A skeptic is not impressed by anyone else's experiences or anyone else's testimony, because a skeptic already knows what is possible and what isn't.   (grin)

How does the skeptic know? Well, that's the question, isn't it? Godlike ominscience? Papal infallibility? Sheer brilliance?    Goodness knows, when you're as smart and well-informed as the average skeptic knows he is, the last thing you would ever question is your own absolute certainty, right?

That, baby....THAT is faith! Religions can only dare to hope that their own adherents will show faith of a similar level to that of the confirmed skeptic. The confirmed skeptic's faith is harder than a diamond. It is as a solid rock. It cannot be moved.

This is also true of the religious fanatic. I regard both the confirmed skeptic and the religious fanatic as being cut from the same cloth, psychologically speaking. They are an impediment to human progress, and they deserve to be pestered by each other.

The rest of us don't deserve to be pestered by either one of them...