The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121599   Message #2659672
Posted By: Skivee
18-Jun-09 - 04:33 PM
Thread Name: YouTube removes videos - 'copyright issues'
Subject: RE: YouTube removes videos - 'copyright issues'
Rifleman, I stand corrected. You are correct, There is only one correct use for the word "Issue". All other definitions are stupid. You have set me straight. I bow before your supreme word-smithery. Teehee
You have shown the light of truth and right-thinking on my unworthy comment.
"I'm fully aware of mulitple means for words, only too aware..."
You are right, having many meanings of the same word is a detestable imposition on the big brains of the English speaking world such as yourself by the forces of evil and modernist pop culture. Some might say that this sort of thing is an example of the richness and pliability that makes English such an adaptable language. But clearly they are wrong.
Teehee. You're right. you're so right.
I bet a lot of folks think you are a funny guy, too.
St. Skivee