The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121600   Message #2659844
Posted By: Kent Davis
18-Jun-09 - 07:22 PM
Thread Name: Two sisters, two songs?
Subject: RE: Two sisters, two songs?
Brian Peters,

I don't know for sure if Dr. Gainer was prone to "improving" songs he collected, but I doubt that he was.

His writing about folk song emphasizes authenticity. He founded the West Virginia State Folk Festival which emphasized authenticity. For several years, the festival has included his granddaughter and other family members presenting "Papa Gainer's Favorite Songs". They make it a point to sing "his" songs as they learned them from him.



That festival starts tomorrow. I won't be able to go this year but, if the Lord wills, next time the third weekend of June rolls around, I'll be there.