The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117126   Message #2659874
Posted By: Bobert
18-Jun-09 - 08:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Subject: RE: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Boohoo, ya'll losers...

Yer just pissed 'cause Obama won...

That had nuthin' to do with me smokin' a little pot now and then... I mean, if you think that Obama won because I somoke a little pot now and then then ya'll is dillusional... I mean, 96 proff dillusional... That's purdy dillusional in my book...

But nevermind yer dillusions fir a minute...

Bush was also dillusional... And Rumsey... And Rice... They all bought into Cheney's dillusions... That was a very bad thing for US 'cause it got us in the biggest mess since, ahhhhhh, amybe forever...

BTW, that mess we are in ain't go one thing to do with me smokin' a little pot...

As fir ego??? Nah, I ain't all that eat up with myself... But I am eat up with stupid people who get US into immoral wars... If that makes me some bigass ego-guy, then, well, I reckon I gottta revist what ego is all about...

No, Sawz may think this is about ego... It ain't, unless it is about his ego... Folks who have met me know that that accusation just don't fit me... Ya' see, I played blues in a barbershop every Saturday for years with older and mostly black blues players and I wouldn't have been able to survice that setting if I had come in with this bigass ego thing going...

So, as per usaul, Sawz is just plain wrong...

(Oh, Boberdz, that sounds egotisical...)

No, it's just Sawz being wrong...
