The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2660309
Posted By: Don Firth
19-Jun-09 - 01:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Right, John. This is bloody useless. As my wise old uncle once told me, "My boy, don't waste your time arguing with an *****!"

One last correction and I'm out of here. I've got better ways to spend my time that by trying to educate the ineducable.


"Don says that the reason there are more homosexual deaths, is that it started first among homosexuals. . . ."

I did not say that, Ake! Unless, perhaps, you are referring to Don T. But I don't believe he said that either. To avoid confusion, perhaps you had best specify which Don you mean, because from what I have written, it looks to me like, once again, you are refusing to get it right because it disagrees with what you want to believe.

What I said, way up-thread (in response to you trying to claim that HIV is "spontaneously generated" by homosexual activity, which is a totally medieval concept), is that the AIDS virus was first found in African monkeys and was transferred to humans through the practice (illegal, I believe) of hunting and eating "bush meat" (monkey meat), possibly by a hunter being bitten by an infected monkey or by consumption of the meat itself. It began to spread through Africa, and like such contagions, it then spread to other countries. It can be spread a number of different ways, not just through homosexual activity. It was an equal opportunity infection. And it still is!

It was first identified in the United States among homosexual men. This was happenstance. It could just as easily have been first identified among heterosexual Peace Corps volunteers, or Presbyterian missionaries from Scotland.

I would suggest, Ake, that you take off the blinkers. But, of course, that would mean that you would have to acknowledge mounds of evidence that contradict your prejudices.

And stop deliberately misrepresenting what I have written. When you have to do that, you are declaring that you have lost the debate!

Don Firth