The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121258   Message #2660621
Posted By: katlaughing
19-Jun-09 - 09:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Midsummer De-Clutterbugs are here! 2009
Subject: RE: BS: Midsummer De-Clutterbugs are here! 2009
Had Morgan today. I sat in my chair and *directed* him in cleaning out the corner of the LR where he had toys piled near to the ceiling. (Well, it seemed like that high!)

I'd been threatening to throw them all out if we didn't go through them, soon. He did a GRAND job! Brought it all over by me with the trash can. We went through everything and filled a garbage bag and a half with broken toys, parts, etc. He took out an old trunk, insisted he could do it alone and pulled it right out the front door, down the three steps to the grass where I told him to leave it. He looked like a mighty hunter or a stevedore dragging it out. His corner is now all nice and neat. Hope we can keep it that way for a while.:-)