The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102165 Message #2660629
Posted By: Gibb Sahib
19-Jun-09 - 09:42 PM
Thread Name: Origin: John Cherokee
Subject: RE: John Cherokee
Just getting back to this thread...
So where did the 'Way hey ya...Ooh' originate, and why don't youbinclude it in your video clips
Not sure of your exact question..."originally" I dunno, but the Colcord/Robinson text has "Way hey ya" (sp?), so I'd imagine the versions are based in that. As for that "Ooh/unh!!," that is definitely some performer's addition that has become popular within the last couple decades, I think. I am listening to Forebitter's version from early 90s (?? - American Sea Chanteys album), and that doesn't have the "unnh!!", but then the recording by the Mystic Seaport's Chanteymen --mainly the same singers-- from 1997 does have it. So I'd guess it came around in the 1990s (??)
The reason I don't have it in my clip is that I'm following Hugill/Harding's version, which instead has "With a hauley high and a hauley low."
Wow. Now I'm more confused about Colcord's comment. Thanks for that info!
Hey, well I just recently realized I had a recording that does follow Hugill's version -- it's a Polish-language version by the group Ryczace Dwudziestki. Fascinatingly, part way through the track they switch to the "modern" way of doing it -- as if to acknowledge both.