The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2660724
Posted By: akenaton
20-Jun-09 - 02:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Amos... We don't really know why the link between homosexual practice and Aids occurs, all we do know for sure is that homosexuals suffer a far greater incidence of the disease than homosexuals, in real percentage terms. In addition to that, every new outbreak,(even those in Africa, where most of the transmission ts heterosexual)is first diagnosed in the homosexual community.
Surely this cannot be dismissed as "happenstance" as Don suggests we do?

The homosexuals of Los Angeles, want the disease officially recognised as primarily "a disease of homosexuality", so that funds and energy can be concentrated on a proper medical study of the behaviour and its consequences.....They see Aids killing many of their number and wish to defeat the disease. According to their literature, they are of the opinion that if resources are not concentrated in this fashion, a cure will never be found.

The denial by "liberals" everywhere to recognise the link, is actually hindering the setting up of the study, to the long term detriment of the community they say they are supporting.

Admission by the "liberals" that the link exists would of course raise questions about the safety of the practice of homosexuality on health grounds, and also the safety of the wider population through transmission of the disease, through bi - sexual activity, injection of drugs etc.
This in turn would lead to questions over the short term rights of homosexuals, which may have to be curtailed,(as happens with other sexual behaviour deemed "unsafe".)

So you see the "liberal" homosexual rights issue may not actually be in the interests of homosexuals in general, may be hindering the search for an Aids cure and leading to the deaths of more homosexuals.

Sometimes I think that the people who drive these issues(often non homosexuals with a chip on their shoulders) should take one step back and look at the bigger picture.

Most of the battles fought by us humans are more to do with personal glory for those who drive them, rather than any benefit which might accrue to those really affected.....Ake