The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121258   Message #2661765
Posted By: maire-aine
21-Jun-09 - 07:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Midsummer De-Clutterbugs are here! 2009
Subject: RE: BS: Midsummer De-Clutterbugs are here! 2009
I look at the books all around me, and I know that half (at least) will never be read. Many were bought at the used book store, where you buy it when you see it, because it'll be gone by the time you visit again. Some of them relate to topics I've since lost interest in, and I'll never read them, so I'll try to pass them on. I filled up a second bag for the library, and I'm going for a third.

I cleared off enough space to move the gardening books together on another shelf, and now I've put the VHS tapes on the bookcase with the TV/videoplayer. Even though I can't get a TV signal, I can still play the VHS tapes. I just need to find a comfy chair that doesn't take up too much room.