The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24017   Message #2663102
Posted By: GUEST,Mike in Aspen
23-Jun-09 - 06:32 PM
Thread Name: Origin: Colored Aristocracy
Subject: RE: Colored Aristocracy?
Long before becoming a banjo player, I was a history buff. Most specifically civil war history. And while I can not remember at this point where I read it, I do remember reading a definition of the term "Colored Aristocracy" that made sense at the time and has stuck with me. It was described as a very sarcastic term used (originally) by whites to describe house slaves. (as opposed to field slaves) Over the years, house slaves came to feel very superior to field slaves, and their mannerisms began to reflect this. By "putting on if they are the colored aristocracy". Whether or not this or any other explanation is true, it's a shame that any negative connotation is attached to such a great tune.