The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121446   Message #2663459
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
24-Jun-09 - 10:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Science and Religion
Subject: RE: BS: Science and Religion
""I don't see much tolerance that religious folk have for atheists. They are convinced that something is wrong with them, that they are scarred or cynical, somehow corrupt or anti-human. Even the benevolence they bestow on what they consider "wrong ideas" is patronizing.""

Whereas of course the scientists and atheists are much more tolerant, referring to believers as "DELUDED", or perhaps "LOONY", and many other pejoratives which cast doubt on their sanity.

Sounds to me as though the atheists, and the scientists,are EVERY BIT as religious as the believers, but in a diametrically opposed direction.

WHAT, pray is the exact difference between a fanatic who insists that there is a God, and another fanatic who insists there is not?

Neither has ANY objective proof for his point of view.
Neither has ANY respect for the other.
Each is UTTERLY convinced that HE, and only HE, is INDISPUTABLY RIGHT.

ME? I DON'T KNOW! The difference is that I am prepared to ADMIT that I don't know.

Neither of the two I mentioned above will EVER do THAT.

I have my beliefs, which are personal, and I NEVER ASK anyone to subscribe to them, much less INSIST! You may all believe whatever your hearts desire, but DON'T ever come to me and tell me you KNOW my beliefs are intrinsically wrong, because YOU DON'T.

Don T.