The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118482   Message #2663794
Posted By: Marc Bernier
24-Jun-09 - 04:28 PM
Thread Name: Mystic June 11-14 2009
Subject: RE: Mystic June 11-14 2009
Walter; I'v read your post a couple of times now and I like it. I'm impressed with your insightful and thoughtful response. However, I'd once more like to comment on a couple points.

First it was a true pleasure seeing you as a performer this year. I still remember clearly the first time you approached me on board the Dunton with questions about what sources I used. You commented, "I felt like I was often performing opposite the workshops I wanted to see, so I figured myself relatively unheard." I felt the same way for a very long time. This past festival was my 21st, and it was only a few years ago that I realized some of you folks have been listening to me most of that time.

As for the Chantys only or sing along only suggestion that has been discussed for the final concert. I think it is safe to say, that the organizers of the festival have never invited anyone that they in their minds didn't think had a connection with the sea. A few examples would be…

The Lining Bar Gang; Although not retired Mariners, this was a group of men who had actually worked at physical labor using work songs, many of them closely related in form and subject as many of the chanties we sing.

Darren Wallace; A builder of musical instruments and boats from Lafayette, La. He spent 25 years working in a shrimp boat in the Gulf of Mexico. Many of our guests asked why we had a Cajun band at the festival. This is the music that is heard in the Fisherman's bars in that part of the country, Craig and I thought that this was a perfectly legitimate connection.

We've also had Inuit fishing peoples, and Fisherman from Africa, Portugal, and France. Who would have been incapable of doing a sing along with an English speaking audience.

Geno Leach and Moe Bowstern; Fisher Poets from the American North West Coast. Neither one sings songs at all.

None of these people do English language "Sea Songs" as part of their regular performance. This does not mean they didn't bring something very exciting to the festival.

"How do we get younger folks interested and keep them?" By making them feel welcome and appreciated.