The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121822   Message #2664538
Posted By: Maryrrf
25-Jun-09 - 02:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sexual Infidelity
Subject: RE: BS: Sexual Infidelity
I'm not judging infidelity per se, because ultimately it's for a couple to work out what's right for them. It is tragic when one wants monogamy and the other doesn't, and I'm sure that happens often. Whatever the case, it is a private matter that has no business being hashed out in public. But in the case of Sanford, he has been so sanctimonious and judgemental that it's hard to feel sorry for him. This article contains some of his quotes -

"He voted for the impeachment of Bill Clinton over the Monica Lewinsky affair, questioning his "moral legitimacy", and said of a fellow Republican congressman who cheated on his wife: "The bottom line is that he lied under a different oath - the oath to his wife."s ".

Errr..."people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" comes to mind.

Using official e-mails and thinking he could pull off sneaking away to Argentina while saying he was hiking the Appalachian Trail was pretty weird...