The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1278   Message #2664881
Posted By: Tattie Bogle
25-Jun-09 - 08:20 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Westering Home (Hugh Roberton)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Westering Home
Hmm! Was that not just a massive "cut and paste"?
Where are the "gallery pictures" for example?
I have been to Islay a couple of times, and it is a very interesting (if fairly flat)place, tho' not my most favourite Hebridean island: however, winning a bottle of 15-year old Lagavulin at said distillery's ceilidh was a definite bonus.

I was more interested to read Andrew Roberton's post, having sung a number of his grandfather's excellent arrangements and compositions.

As for Parahandy and the puffers, we saw the "Vital Spark" berthed at the Crinan canal basin just a couple of weeks ago: a wee bit removed from Islay. ("Oh the Crinan Canal for me"!)