The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55998 Message #2665717
Posted By: GUEST,Dairyman's Daughter
27-Jun-09 - 12:24 AM
Thread Name: to get started
Subject: RE: to get started
Just to clarify on earlier comment that real cowboys don't yodel...
I knew one who did. My dad, whose great-grandparents immigrated to the US from Denmark and started a little ranching operation which was passed down through the family. He spoke Danish and often yodeled to the animals to call them down from the mountain for food.
The horses and *some* cows responded very well. The rest were skinnier.
Thanks for the helpful tips. Dad gave me a few yodeling lessons, but I could never break properly until after he died (more motivation to carry on the tradition.) Hopefully these exercises will help with pitch and control.