The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121253   Message #2666289
Posted By: katlaughing
28-Jun-09 - 12:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Accountability All Summer Long 2009!
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability All Summer Long 2009!
Once in a great while I will have a thin crust small Pizza Hut cheese pizza. ON WW, each slice is only 2 points, so I can have 2-3 slices without breaking the bank. Also, Michelle, there are some really good soy dogs on the market, now. They even sell them at the regular markets. You do have to watch the salt, but they aren't as much as regular hot dogs, I don't think and they are much healthier for you.

I did a 20 minute walk pushing a heavy cart with a big O2 bottle in it, today. I was going to do more, but Rog told me to stop.

I tried doing something new yesterday and wound up with an atrial fibrillation (first time ever!) and visiting the ER for a couple of hours! It was a combo of chemicals still being out of whack a bit, too much salt in one meal, and too much on-my-own activity with Morgan. I am fine and the bloodwork, etc. all came up normal, so we've just adjusted a med. and things are fine. BUT, I am reminded, once again, ALL things in MODERATION and take it SLOW!*bg*

I did lose 1.6 lbs this past week, too. Found that out at the doc's on Tuesday just before an old lady had a heart attack and ploughed into the wall by the weight machine with her car, breaking a water pipe to the whole building which spewed in my doc's exam room. It's been an exciting week!